Clik here Easter message
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Today is Good Friday . Because
Christ suffered for our sins , it brought hope for all, of a life with Christ - and justice on Judgment Day for all. He is the great judge who judges righteously.
This right he erned, when he suffered and died for us.
I have a small garden while outside my kitchen window . I went out early
this morning at 6:15 , and racked it really well. In my little piece there's
rhubarb and Jerusalem artichoke . The Jerusalem artichoke was set 5 years ago , it
was abt. Dkr 15. It is about $ 2. I'm still reaping from those Jerusalem
artichoke . It is fantastic! God's creation is incredible, a little vegetable
can multiply for several years
This is the Jerusalem artichokes I got out of the small piece of land in front of the tile on which they lie - up until in front of the big stone.
Cards I make last night.
The little book, a Pixibook, is attached with scoretape on the back of the card.
This is a christmas card for a child. The pixi book is full of Danish christmas songs for children.
Hej Conny - de børnekort er guld værd. Tak fordi du leger med i julekort"legen". Hilsen herfra.