It's April 24th. It is a special day to me. Not just because I'll be making a Christmas cards to Operation skriv hjem, as many others do every month on the 24th, no it's because it would have been my late sisters birthday.
My late sisters name was Ingelise. She was born on April 24th, 1961. She died March 1983.
She did not have an easy life. She was born with a hole in her heart. She had a big open heart surgery in 1970, as # 8 in Denmark to have that kind of operation. She kind of recovered, and it was not heart problems that took her in such a young age as 22, no, it was brain cancer.
It was a difficult time for all of us.
Six weeks later my grandmother died from cancer in her stomach. For years her life was devoted to my sister and I. She had always said: I just have to live long enough, to see how it goes with Lise (that's what we called my sister).
Grandmother Kamilla went home from my sisters funeral, went to bed - and did not get up again.
Oh, how our grandmother loved us all. She's my hero. I love her dearly.
Ja vi behøver jo ikke sne for at julehygge. Sødt kort og tak fordi du trofast leger med hos OSH.