lørdag den 29. december 2018

Merry Christmas


I hope you all have had a blessed Christmas.
I can't even describe how different our Christmas has been this year.
Nothing has been as usual. 

Bækkebo, where Kamilla lives, has a tradition of ending the year with a Christmas service and a posh dinner. Lars and I drove to Bækkebo, just to find that Kamilla had become ill. We sad and talked together for a while. She got a Christmas pressent and we drove back home again.

This year Kamilla celebrated Christmas at Bækkebo; and Grethe, Aske and Mads celebrated Christmas at their house.
Jimmy did a lot to make Lars and I feel like it was Christmas.
It was just so difficult, because Lars wasn't quite all right - and on Dec. 21 I had surgery, and was banned from doing anything. Jimmy made a christmas dinner for us, and did all he could to make it a special night. I'm so so thankful for Him.  


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