Beccy's Place: Poppies (
Beccy's so kind, that she gives a lot of free digi stamps away.
On her blog you can find these poppies - for free. # 38 # 43
Since my last update, a few wonderful things have happened. I hope I can explain my excitement in a way that others might be inspired by it.
First regarding Lars:
He had been to the doctor! There have been some result from to some blood tests - and they worry the doctor a little. The doctor told me: "You must prepare for the fact that he might be hospitalized next week".
Uhm... The Keyword must be MAYBE - and I know that the doctor knows more than I do. I only see the swollen legs, the failing memory, pain in the stomach etc. (Lars has cirrhosis of the liver). Now we have to wait and see... the doctor just needs the final test results.
Now for something else:
I was cleaning up and suddenly one shelf gave way - and it took the next 3 shelves with it. My stuff came flying across the room.Nu til noget andet:
What I've been looking forward to telling you:
Something has made me overjoyed lately. For a while I have had a very strong feeling, that I should start doing my genealogy again. I have participated in some projects where I have checked old records, eg censuses. The urge to look at my own lineage just got stronger and stronger – more purposeful.
An explanation might be in order:
My grandmother encouraged me when I was approx. 15 years old, to start finding our lineage. Since genealogy has a big place in our church, I could get a lot of help there. But reading Gothic is something I was never taught, and therefore there are several records I cannot read.
First it was Minna Jørgensen and Gurli Nysom who took me to the archive in Viborg, where they patiently tried to teach me the basic rules for genealogical research. Later, all I had to do was write to either Helle Hirschman or Bodil Christensen. Those two have really helped me a lot. I owe them a big thank you for all your help over the years.
Back to my grandmother, she told me about a girl called Karla. She didn't know what had happened to Karla. My grandmother referred to Karla several times. It was clearly a girl who had made an impression on her. The only information I could get, apart from the name, was that she might have moved to Sjælland or gone to the USA.
I didn't know who Karla was. If Grandma told me, I simply forgot.
Now I was sitting late one evening thinking about Karla. Who was she? What had her life been like?
I looked at my papers - and suddenly I saw a record: my grandmother's oldest sister, Anna Kathrine Laursen, she lived from 1886-? I felt I had to find out what had happened to her. But where should I look? Several in the family have emigrated, so maybe her too??? Via many detours, I suddenly found myself reading death certificates for Copenhagen - and there she was! She died in 1936.
I then found a census. Maybe there was a husband and children! Yes, there they were. There was Karla!
A little interesting thing, on the death certificate it says that the body must be cremated. The man lives on the Prairie in the USA!!!
I love genealogy. The generations are woven together. One link cannot do without the other. I have felt a strong gratitude to have been encouraged to search again for my ancestry.
When I found Karla, I thought for a brief moment: Now I would have liked to have been able to call and tell Grandma that Karla had been found. My next thought was: She knows! Maybe they are together. I find comfort in the fact that I believe in a life hereafter. That we can be together as families. This is what gives life meaning right now and here - at least for me.
Siden sidst, er der er sket et par forunderlige ting. Jeg håber, jeg kan forklare min begejstring, på en måde, så andre måske vil blive inspireret af det jeg fortæller.
Først ang. Lars:
Han var været ved læge! Der er kommet svar på nogle blodprøver - og disse bekymrer lægen lidt. Lægen sagde til mig: Du må forberede dig på at han måske bliver indlagt i næste uge.
Uhm... det kun et MÅSKE - og jeg erkender at lægen ved mere end jeg. Jeg ser kun de hævede ben, den svigtende hukommelse, smerter i maven mm. (Lars har skrumpelever). Nu må vi se, lægen skal lige have de sidste prøvesvar.
Der er noget som har gjort mig ovenud lykkelig på det sidste.
Jeg har længe følt jeg skulle i gang med at lave genealogi igen. Jeg har deltaget i nogle projekter, med at renskrive optegnelser, men tilskyndelsen blev stører og stører til at se på min egen slægt - mere målrettet.
Min bedstemor opmuntrede mig da jeg var ca. 15 år, til at begynde at finde vores slægt. Da genealogi har en stor plads i vores kirke, har der var meget hjælp at hente der. Men at læse gotisk er noget jeg aldrig har fået lært, og derfor er der flere optegnelser jeg ikke kan læse.
Først var det Minna Jørgensen og Gurli Nysom som tog mig med på arkivet i Viborg, hvor de tålmodigt forsøgte at lære mig grundreglerne for slægtsforskning. Senere var blot at skrive til enten Helle Hirschman eller Bodil Christensen. De to har virkelig hjulpet mig meget. Jeg skylder dem stor tak for al jeres hjælp igennem årerne.
Flere i familien er emigreret til USA, så måske også hende???
Jeg elsker slægtsforskning. Generationerne bindes sammen. Det ene led kan ikke klare sig uden det andet. Jeg har følt en stærk taknemmelighed over at være blevet tilskyndet til igen at søge mine aner.
Dear Conny, I'm so happy you found Karla and that it has given you joy and comfort! You're right about us all being linked together, just one big family.
SvarSletI was sorry to see the collapse of your shelves, I hope nothing was broken. It's good to see you have it all back together again. I imagine that was a lot of hard work.
How is Lars doing today? I hope he is still well enough to be at home with you, and not in the hospital. I'm very sorry to read about his liver issues, that would not be making him feel well at all.
Take care Conny. I'm thinking of you both.
Beccy xxx
I hope all is much better for you now! The inking on the image adds the perfect contrast for this image.
SvarSletThank you for joining us at Crafty Gals Corner for our Anything Goes challenge.