lørdag den 22. juni 2024

An opdate I hate to make.

This beautiful stamp is called: peace and joy 
It's from Beccysplace.
I'm going to make 10 of them. I really like this Winter digi-stamp.

Just a little update.

Over the last few weeks, Lars has been sleeping more and more; and he has been increasingly unclear.

A week ago, he began to get a yellow tone to his skin.
I called the outgoing team at the nursing home, and they send an assistant to look at him. She called a doctor. Together they agreed that an emergency nurse should be sent to our home. She could measure some values ​​that the assistent cannot.
When they were taken, the nurse consulted with the doctor, and together they agreed that Lars should be hospitalized.

Unfortunately, his liver is not working optimally again. He has a liver coma again - just like 1½ years ago. Luckily not as bad, because I spotted the yellow spots. 

We knew this would happen again. We are just blessed that it has taken this long.

Sadness that he has to go through this, is the feeling that fills me.
At the same time, I am grateful to live in a time - and in a country - where you can get help.

Unfortunately, a scan also showed that he has a fracture of L4 and a collapse further up the back. (this is not related to the lever coma).
The fracture is probably due to a fall he had a few weeks ago. As he was about to fall, he reached for a bookcase, which fell on top of him.

NB: He came home to day-jubiiii


Bare en lille opdatering.
Igennem de sidste par uger, har Lars sovet mere og mere. Han har været tiltagende mere uklar.

For en uge siden, var han også gul. Han blev tilset af plejehjemmets assistent, som talte med en læge. Sammen aftalte de at der skulle sendes en akut sygeplejerske hjem til os. Hun kunne måle nogle værdier, som plejecentret ikke kan. Da de var taget, konsulterede hun med lægen, og sammen blev de enige om, at Lars skulle indlægges.

Desværre arbejder hans lever ikke optimalt igen. Han har fået en leverkoma igen - ligesom for 1½ år siden. Heldigvis ikke så slem, fordi jeg opdagede de gule pletter. 

Vi vidste godt det ville ske igen. Vi er bare velsignet med at det er gået så lang tid. Tristhed over at han skal det igennem, er den følelse som fylder mig. Samtidig er jeg taknemmelig for at leve i en tid - og i et land, hvor man kan få hjælp.
Desværre viste en scanning også at han har et brud på L4 og et sammenfald længere oppe i ryggen; hvilket ikke har noget med leverkomaen at gøre.
Bruddet skyldes nok et fald han havde for nogle uger siden.
Da han var ved at falde, greb han ud efter en reol, som faldt ned over ham. 

PS: Han er kommet hjem i dag, jubiiii 

I had to try to make an organiser to fit all my glue!

I took our grandson, Mads, out to a strawberry field. He had so much fun. He ran up and down the field, and of cause he had to taste the berries.

1 kommentar:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear that poor Lars has been in hospital again, what a difficult time he is having. I hope he's not in too much pain with his back. It's wonderful what modern medicine can do for us these days, so many amazing doctors and nurses and different treatments. I'm glad you and Lars live in a place where you're well taken care of.
    Thank you for sharing the photos of your grandson in the strawberry patch, what a wonderful day for Mads! Your Christmas cards and your organiser are fabulous!
