tirsdag den 4. februar 2020

So much is going on...

So much is happening again in our little family.

I was - again - sick at the end of December and was hospitalized 2 times.
Finally, it turned out that the doctors had failed to properly assess either CT and MRI scans, and I ended up being operated on for ilius. Now, a month later, I've just returned home after a 9 day hospitalization.

Lars has had a hard time dealing with the fact that I'm suddenly hospitalized, then at home and then back in the hospital again.
He is great, but he's paying a high price, emotionally and mentally for my illness. As do the rest of the family.

Lars is not healthy himself, and he needs all the help he can get.
Our son Jimmy helps us tremendously. He chose to come home from England to help care for Lars until Lars's situation was clarified. We will forever be deeply grateful to him for the sacrifices he makes, while we're learning how to handle our new situation.

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