tirsdag den 28. juni 2022

The latest update...

Sorry, I have not written before to tell about the evaluation. We needed a few days to talk and think about what we should do. This was not a conversation that could be done quickly - it has required many small conversations, at the pace Lars has been able to handle. Basically, Lars is no longer able to talk about "big" topics, and at the same time have to see through nuances.

The neurological assessment that Lars had Thursday last week, was insightful and enlightening.
The reason why Lars suddenly became so ill was clear to Nadia, the name of the one who tested Lars. He has a concussion!

Basically, Lars is no longer able to talk about "big" topics and see through nuances. It has been clear he walks, that he does not remember and that he sleeps all the time.
Nadia,the one testing Lars, asked, among other things, why Lars closes his eyes when he is ask a question. Is it because he can not find the words, or because he does not remember what is being talked about, and then is blank inside. That's because he's blank. That he does not know what is being talked about. I was quite shocked - because he often closes his eyes...Another thing that has happened is that when a message is to be sent from A-B in the brain, it may slip around. That's a worsening of his dementia.
What has now been decided with certainty is that we must find another place to live.
A place where Lars can get around in a wheelchair or with his walker.
Lars should preferably not be alone at home. He must not go down into the basement.
We need something, so that the wheelchair can drive up to the front door (there are 8 stairs), so I do not have to lift it.
Lars came home last Friday. He's doing better than a week ago. The concussion just needs time to go away, and then he may be going even better.
It's hard for him to turn to the new way of being in the house. I have promised him that I will take all my creative things up from the basement, and into a small room so we can sit there together. Of course I will.
Next time I write, I will tell you about the stay Lars has just had - and why he DEFINITELY will not return.
Take care of each other - time together is precious.

Snow Drifters  by Beccysplace.com

Beklager, jeg har ikke skrevet før for at fortælle om evalueringen. Vi havde brug for et par dage til at snakke og tænke over, hvad vi skulle gøre. Dette var ikke en samtale som kunne gøres hurtig - det har krævet mange små samtaler, i det tempo Lars har kunnet magte. I bund og grund, magter Lars ikke mere at skulle samtale om "store" emner, og samtidig at skulle gennemskue nuancer.

Den neurologiske vurdering som Lars var til Torsdag i sidste uge, var indsigtsfuld og oplysende. Baggrunden for at Lars pludselig blev så dårlig, stod klart for hende som testede Lars: Han har hjernerystelse! 

Det forklarer hans pludselige ændring i bla. hvordan han går, han hukommelse og at han sover hele tiden. Nadia, hende som undersøgte Lars, spurgte hvorfor han lukkede øjnene når han snakker. Er det fordi han ikke kan finde ordene, eller at han ikke husker noget som helst af dets vi snakker om og er blank indeni. Det skyldes at han er blank. At han ikke ved hvad der snakkes om.

Jeg blev ret chokeret - for det er ofte han lukker øjnene.
Lars kom hjem i fredags. Han går bedre end for en uge siden. Hjernerystelsen skal blot have tid til at forsvinde, og så kan det være han går endnu lidt bedre. Det er svært for ham, at vende sig til den nye måde, tingene skal gøres på - men han prøver. Pas på hinanden - tiden vi har sammen er kostbar.

1 kommentar:

  1. Dear Conny. I'm sorry to hear about the concussion for poor Lars, and the worsening of his dementia. I know it's been a long and difficult road for both of you. I really hope he has a chance to settle again now and recover from the concussion. I also hope a wonderful location will be found for both of you to live.
    The cards you have created are fabulous and I'm sure whoever receives them will love what you've done.
    Take care.
    Beccy xx
