søndag den 8. januar 2023

Vince Gill - Look At Us

I just really love this song.
I love looking at the faces at these old folks... thinking, wondering how they'd lived...

Then thinking about our own life, the life we've had together!
Times have been rough, Times have been fun,
Times have brought tears, jet we have always tried to support each other,
and one thing we've always done:
Never ever have we walked out the door, without saying "I love you".

We've both lost a loved one, who did not live a long life here on earth: 
My sister died at the age of 22, 
you lost your mother when she was only 47 years old.
We know how fragile life can be,
We both know how important it is to live - now, while we are here!
Thank you Lars, for always supporting me.
Thank you for seeing me, as I am deep inside. 
Your love inspire me, Your love support me - 
I Love you

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